About me

My internet name “Kathosa” …

…is a composition of the first letters of our names:

“KA” for Karin, “THO” for Thomas and “SA” for Sachtleben. Actually I should have added “PA” for Patrick , because we are three since March 15, 1995.

I was born on October 14, 1960 in Kiel (Schleswig-Holstein) and I am the first child of Richard Hermann and his wife Ingrid Hanna. I have a sister -Sabine- and a brother -Heiko-. Both were born on July 21, 1962 – they are twins.

Karin was born on October 16, 1958 in Eckernförde (Schleswig-Holstein).

After finishing grammar school I made an education as a wholesale dealer in a company selling cars here in Kiel-Friedrichsort . I than joined the Federal Border Guard (BGS) in November 1980 . My education there was in Lübeck, Ratzeburg and Bredstedt. I made my duty until summer 1987 in Ratzeburg at the border to Mecklenburg-West Pomerania (the former border between East- and Westgermany) as a driver, watch commander, leader of the border patrol and as civil servant for photo- and video-documentations.

From summer 1987 to March 1992 I made my duty as controller and leader of the control-group at the check points Schwanenhaus and Straelen near Mönchengladbach at the border between North Rhine-Westphalia and the Netherlands.

I was moved up to the check point Warnemünde (near Rostock in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania) April 1992 and there it belonged to my tasks to control the border traffic (ferry to Denmark), leader of the control-group and advanced training for the colleagues in the section information technology.

During the whole time for the BGS I kept my residence in Kiel and so I only could spend my spare time with the family. Because this was to few for me, since the birt of our son Patrick, I took education holiday from June 1996 until March 1998 and started work again in Rostock afterwards.

After a delegation for 8 months to our headquarter in Bad Bramstedt I was moved to the checkpoint in my home town Kiel (ferries to Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Lithunia, Latvia and Russia)

Karin was working as electrician for the company „Linotype-Hell“ in Kiel for more than 28 years and there she was building electronic apparatus for picture-finishing.


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