… whereupon I try to work

Very early in history it was arising for people to carry the things of everyday necessities with the and keep the hands free.
So the deployment went from a simple leatherbag to multifaceted leather purses, pouches and case.

In my view…

These publications and the books:

  • Christiane Schnack: Mittelalterliche Lederfunde aus Schleswig – Futterale,
    Riemen, Taschen u.a. Objekte, Ausgrabungen in Schleswig (Schild) 1971 – 1975 Berichte und Studien 13, Karl Wachtholtz Verlag, Neumünster nach 1995
  • Olaf Goubitz: Purses in Pieces: Archaeological Finds of Late Medieval and
    16th Century, Leather Purses, Pouches, Bags and Cases in the Netherlands: von 2009

are basics for some of my works.


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